Now hear me out—YES teach conversation (more importantly communication) but for the love of science PLEASE teach the desire or motivation to connect first.
Conversation should be personal—it should be mutual—it should be enjoyable and if it’s not...why bother? Ever had small talk with someone and thought—meh, not for me. Yeah, me too. Ever declined a call and instead texted? Uh-huh...been there. Let’s allow our students the same courtesy , but most importantly let’s centre teaching around connection for connections sake🙏🌈
How do we inspire connection?
-Mutual respect between participants (we're both contributors; there is no follower, no leader--just participants)
-Allowing conversation to be guided by interests or passion projects
-Acknowledging the different modalities a conversation can have (email, phone, face to face, text, talk-to-text, augmentative device, PECS, you get the idea..)
-Respecting the desire to end the conversation
-Building trust
-Building rapport (relationship)
-NOT having an agenda
-Showing up
-Holding space
And so much more <3