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  • Writer's pictureAlley Dezenhouse Kelner

Parenting Through Stress - LIVE Webinar

Parenting is easy (said no one ever).

The truth is, parenting is not intuitive and when you add in a sprinkle of stress, emotional reactivity takes over. On top of that, most of us were never taught to self-regulate as kids, and yet we're working around the clock to equip our kids with the very skills we need to build ourselves. So, let's start there. Let's start to parent through stress without the overwhelm by giving ourselves the space to build new tools, and self-awareness, together.


When: Wednesday July 27th 2022, 12:00-1:00PM

Where: Online, via Zoom

How Much: $29 CDN per person

Who: Hosted by Magnificent Minds Clinical Director, Alley, attended by you :P

Have questions? E-mail us today!

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